Week 1 Getting started

  1. Get acquainted (Participants post video introductions in a Forun & react to a classmate’s post; requires device with camera and mic plus installation of Panopto)
  2. Analyze a talk (Students analyze a presentation for strengths and weaknesses, post their analysis  in Forum & watch another presentation posted by  someone else and comment in Forum)
  3. Write a reflection statement (where are you now with your presenting skills and where you’d like to go with them)
  4. Establish your presentation topic and purpose

Week 2 : Develop your message and content

  1. Attend a net meeting –where you’ll analyze your audience (Check the date & time; add to your calendar)
  2. Analyze your audience (Submit your audience analysis)
  3. Discuss audience and purpose (Go over study materials and post a Forum response)
  4. Create your core message (Post a tweetable message in the Forum that encapsulates your core message)
  5. Develop a message map (Using the template provided)

Week 3 Design the visuals

  1. Take a quiz on attention grabbers
  2. Take a quiz on establishing credibility
  3. Discuss presentation visuals (Read a chapter on visual design from the course books listed on the homepage or find your own source, share your findings and views in a Forum)
  4. Submit your visuals

Week 4  Practice your talk and give & get feedback

  1. Submit your practice link (video practice session, share your Panopto link)
  2. Give feedback to peers (in small groups)
  3. Reflect on your talk

Week 5:  Focus on delivery       

  1. Report on two chosen areas

Week 6: Final version of your talk

  1. Submit your final presentation link
  2. Reflect and give feedback
Last modified: Friday, 7 December 2018, 1:51 PM