Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, spring 2019
Reading task(s) before Day 3, DL 2.5
Completion requirements
For this assignment there is no submission box. Ones you have completed all three assignments you can mark the activity as completed by ticking the little box next to this description. Please be prepared to discuss the reading material on our next session.
Reading tasks: Read one of the following (or more if you have time)
You can also use these, when reflecting your teaching methods in your essay.
- Biggs and Tang. 2011. Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Chapter2: Teaching according to how students learn. - link to e-book
- Moon Jenny : Reflection in Higher Education Learning
- Moon Jenny: Guide for Busy Academics No. 4 Learning through reflection - link to the material
- Tynjälä,P. 2005. Konstruktivistinen oppimiskäsitys ja asiantuntijuuden edellytysten rakentaminen koulutuksessa
Last modified: Wednesday, 3 April 2019, 4:05 PM