Thesis supervision Martin Andraud 2020-2025
To do & to avoid
Completion requirements
Methods to use
- Clear problem definition. Take your time to
define your research problem. Read, try, discuss with seniors to gain understanding on the problem you are solving. You should be able to answer the questions:
- Why I am doing this? What is the motivation for this research?
- When done, what will I gain from it (personally and for my career)?
- Study literature. It is very important to understand the state of the art before diving in. Usually, start with textbooks to grasp the main concepts. Then, you can move to publications, first looking for general reviews if they exist. Focus on papers that have high citations primarily, and coming from reliable sources (journal or conferences with relatively high impact factor, etc.). Then you can dig deeper if needed. Try different keywords to find more results. Of course, ask guidance from seniors if you need to!
- Understand the purpose. The purpose of your work is to gain understanding on the electronic circuit design area. Meeting a given deadline is NOT the
primary goal or purpose of your work. Try to incrementally add knowledge on the areas you already know, and try to learn new things based on your current level of understanding.
- Experiment and test your understanding. Start by using simplified models, as much as possible. Then add details, such as components and nonidealities. Sometimes you just have to play around with the problem and work on it until it becomes clearer (that is the way it works...). Also take a look on your problem from the higher level of abstraction, or just talk about it with someone to make it clearer for yourself. Try to intuitively predict what will happen in your experiment and see if it happens/ does not happen. Usually you have learned something when you understand the trade-offs that can be made.
- Plan and document. Your guideline should be to design for re-usability. During your work, keep
in mind that someone else is going to use it later. Document your work
in many possible ways (comment code, use readme files, presentation,
etc.). Keep a schedule, plan things, review your time and objectives. Being organized will help yo at all times even if it sounds fastidious.
At every significant step, take some time to reflect and document the
process (make a few slides, or write a couple of paragraphs), it will
help you later when you need to make a presentation or write your
thesis/ a paper.
- Ask for guidance.
Seniors and your supervisor should share their knowledge and
help you. BUT: They have tight schedule of their own. Therefore try
things, take notes, discuss in our weekly meetings, and if you are
really stuck on something do not wait too long too ask. Also, coffee breaks are always a good time to share some thoughts ;)
- Share knowledge. Participate in the discussions, in meetings, seminars, coffee breaks. Contribute the Wikipages and Git-repos. If you solve a tool related problem, document it.
- Use existing solutions, if available. There may be someone who did a very similar thing in the past in the lab and this is OK! This someone may even be able to help you. You do not need to reinvent the wheel ;)
- Have/participate to design reviews.
Ask people that are not just your supervisiors to check your design. Also ask to participate in a design review if you can, you will learn things. There are lots of people around with
history of screwed up design, which is valuable experience for you!
- Pass the ball. As much as people are there to help you, you can also be there for them. Giving a bit of your (working) time to help someone with their designs is definitely encouraged.
- Give credit.
Academic work is collaborative work. In the case that a publication is made (which is the main objective of our work) it should include all the main contributors in the author list. In the publication process, ask for all authors their feedback explicitly so that they are aware of the work. Be fair!
Things to avoid
- Rudeness. You can usually not be too polite. Everything goes better if you take your time and discuss things.
- Isolation. Do not stay on your own. Communicate, ask and share information. Most likely your neighbour has/ has solved the same problem, or might have an idea. Similarly, if you see someone isolated, you can try to ask this person to go for a coffee, or ask if they would like to talk about their work.
- The Fear of Failure. It is perfectly ok to screw up sometime, that is how we learn :)
- Unrealistic schedules. We do not expect you to solve all problems in the blink of an eye, no worries.
- "Three boss syndrome". If in the situation in which multiple persons gives controversial instructions, do not hesitate to say it aloud.
- Exhaustion. It is fine to take a break, leave a bit earlier someday if you are tired, do not work until exhaustion.
Last modified: Friday, 12 June 2020, 5:34 PM