Is the course fully online? I mean, are there any contact sessions or other activities I have to attend in person?

The course is fully online, meaning that there are no lectures, exams or other sessions you have to attend to complete the course.

I am currently a student at Aalto University. Can I take this course?

Sure, you can take this course as part of your elective studies.

How is this course related to CS-E4100 Mobile Cloud Computing and CS-E4190 Cloud Software and Systems?

This course covers part of the content in CS-E4100 Mobile Cloud Computing, specifically, what concerns mobile computing and Android application development. However, CS-E4100 is no longer offered, as it has been replaced by CS-E4190 Cloud Software and Systems. The CS-EJ4102 and CS-E4190 courses are different, and there is no overlap in their content.

Can I use this course to replace (part of) CS-E4100 Mobile Cloud Computing?

You cannot use this course (or a combination of this course and others) to replace CS-E4100 Mobile Cloud Computing in your study plan. However, you can take this course as an elective course.

Is this a special course?

This course is offered as part of Aalto's offerings on ICT within Fitech. Fitech ICT is a network of Finnish universities providing studies for anyone interesting in updating their skills and knowledge in topics related to ICT, primarily for people who have already graduated as a form of life-long education.

Do I need an Android phone for the course?

No, it is enough to use the Android emulator, which is available for a variety of platforms. Check the related requirements if you are unsure about the suitability of your system to run the emulator.

Senast redigerad: söndag, 6 september 2020, 23:35