On this online session, we are going to look at sentence patterns and sentences. You have three tasks to complete:

(1) Read through this handout (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) to remind yourself of the basic sentence patterns in English: 

  1. the simple sentence
  2. the compound sentence
  3. the complex sentence
  4. the compound-complex sentence

(2) After familiarizing yourself with the sentence patterns, you should have an idea about how to use each of them. Your next task is to visit the website Academic Writing for English and its THE 'LIGHT-before-HEAVY' PRINCIPLE section. Familiarize yourself with the principle and then visit the Exercises. Complete at least two of the four exercises (you can do more if you want to!).

(3) Write a brief (2-3 paragraphs) reflection on what you learned on the forum under session 6. Mention the exercises you completed. Were they helpful? Easy? Difficult? Look at what you have already written on the course and think whether you can apply what you have learned to our writing tasks.

Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 7. syyskuuta 2020, 11.24