Student Topic
 Alkio, KyöstiSS1: Biometric authentication beyond fingers and eyes
 Balasubramaniam, Nagadivya   AA: Human and Machine decisions
 Eriksson, Anton GI: Real time communication protocols in the internet
 Gao, Ya SJ: An Empirical Study on Graph Neural Network for Drug Adverse Event Detection
 Harjumäki, Joonas MK:  A survey of deterministic networking
 Holmberg, Mats LN1:  The role and impact of security breaches on users' behaviour
 Kaukiainen, Sergei EV1:  Cloud and Local Game Streaming
 Ke, Lizhi SS4:  CNN over unordered sets
 Komulainen, Olli SS1:  Biometric authentication beyond fingers and eyes
 Kvande, Mikkel Andreas SS3:  Split learning as an alternative to federated learning
 Laalo, Timo EV2:  Bitrate Adaptation Algorithms in Multimedia Streaming
 Midtun, Henrik Sang SR:  User-Provided-Fog-Infrastructure:  A game-theoretic approach
 Mikhaleva, Anna MS:  Infrastructure as Code (IaC) security
 Niemelä, Elmeri AD:  Collaborative multi-agent DRL
 Oguren, Diana MS:  Infrastructure as Code (IaC) security
 Rabb, Johan GI:  Real time communication protocols in the internet
 Saalasti, Sasu LN1:  The role and impact of security breaches on users' behaviour
 Wu, Hao ZZ: Gaussian Process

Last modified: Monday, 20 September 2021, 4:31 PM