LC-7210 - Suomi 1, Luento-opetus, 27.9.2021-2.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 02.12.2021 Search Courses: LC-7210
Tehtävä 1: Kuka sä olet?
Completion requirements
A. Get to Know your pair: ask the questions in exercise 2 (page 7 in the book).
I recommend you use spoken language pronouns:
minä > mä, sinä > sä
minun > mun, sinun > sun
Remember to also ask back with the phrase "Entä sä" "Entä sun" (What about you)!
B. Exercise 4 in the book on page 10. Take turns when asking and answering the questions.
Mikä?/Mitä?: what
Missä? Where?
Kuka? Who?
Minkä ikäinen? = Kuinka vanha?
Sähköpostiosoite: email > (sanna piste ramo at aalto piste fi)
Last modified: Wednesday, 10 February 2021, 12:25 PM