LC-7210 - Suomi 1_H02 intensiivi, Luento-opetus, 24.10.2022-30.11.2022
This course space end date is set to 30.11.2022 Search Courses: LC-7210
At a kiosk (teksti ja audio)¨
Completion requirements
At a self service kiosk, you can state what you would like to have, by putting the thing / things
on the service counter and say: “tämä” this
or in plural "nämä" these.
When you order in the service counter, you can just say what you would like to have:
Yksi kahvi ja pulla. One coffee and a bun.
Of course the tone of your voice and how you state your request matter.
It is always polite to add kiitos: Yksi kahvi ja pulla, kiitos.
The sales person will ask you: "Kuittia?" receipt?
Last modified: Thursday, 19 November 2020, 10:07 AM