Introduction of your own expertise, 1-5 min.

The goal is to introduce your professional expertise in a convincing way (=with arguments). It can be a generic introduction or meant for a specific company / employer. You can talk about your studies / research, work experience, strengths and challenges and language / communication skills. You could tell what´s especially interesting in your studies / work / field of science. What do you know already and what you´d like to learn. Try to talk about your experience in a concrete way: avoid jargon and use arguments and examples. For instance if you say that you have great social skills, explain what they are and how / where did you learn these skills? If a course / job / something else was a good learning experience, explain what you learned and what does that mean in the working life context? Think about your audience: what kind of information do they need? What´s interesting? If the introduction is for a specific employer, explain why you want the job and what do you have to give especially to them.

You can make a video with just your face and no extra material OR a video with your face + power points or other material. You could use panopto, zoom or whatever you want, we´ll talk about the technical issues on the course.

Try to be clear and use simple language and check the background. (No naked room mates in the background please. Unless you want to.)

Contact with the camera would be great! Especially in the beginning + end.

Rinna will create groups and you´ll send your video (=link) to Rinna + the group via aalto-email.

Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 18. tammikuuta 2023, 13.56