
In this course, each team gets a peer team. The peer teams can collaborate during the projects by providing external feedback and testing resources to each other. Outsiders can often spot different bugs and improvement ideas than the developers themselves. The peer teams are listed on the Projects page.

The course sets the minimum requirement for the collaboration as follows:
  • Some peer team members must test the system for at least 8 man hours in total during the latter half of the project using Session-based testingPeer testing should be conducted before the last sprint so that potential improvements can be implemented before the end of the project. 
  • At least one Test Session Charter (see below) and other necessary materials (e.g. the software, test data, defect reporting guidelines), must be given to the testers.
  • The testers must fill the exploration log in the Test Session Charter. It is recommended that the findings are also discussed f-2-f with the peer team. 

Test Session Charter Template

1. What - tested areas

  • What areas, modules, functions or features are tested?

2. Why - goal and focus

  • What is the high level goal of the testing session?
  • What practical information for the project should this testing session produce? For example, analyse performance, find faults in a specific function, assess suitability to intended use, validate or verify functionality, regression test, confirm fixes, ...
  • Is testing focusing to some specific defect or problem types?
  • From whose viewpoint testing is performed?
  • Product risks that should be addressed.

3. How - approach

  • How the testing is going to be performed?
  • Specific test techniques or tactics to use?
  • Testing data that is used or has to be created.
  • Tools

4. Exploration log

  • SESSION START TIME:  2022-03-14 13:30
  • DURATION (hours): 1:45
  • TESTER: Tim Tester
  • BUILD: 1.34
  • ENVIRONMENT: Windows 10 + SP1

4.1 Data files

  • Any used or created test data files

4.2 Test notes

  • Test notes that describe what was done, and how.
  • Detailed enough to be able to use in briefing the test session with other persons.
  • Detailed enough to be able to reproduce failures.

4.3 Bugs

  • Defect tracking system bug ID:s and optionally short descriptions

4.4 Issues

Any observations, issues, new feature requests and questions that came up during testing but were not reported as bugs.


Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 11. maaliskuuta 2024, 13.34