Extra: More tips on making schedules in the future

Assess your progress!

You can assess your progress in scheduling by considering the following (you can write out responses for your own use):

- Write freely but succinctly about how you used to plan and schedule your studies before you were introduced to this self-study material. For example, what worked and what didn’t in your previous way of operating, and what kind of ‘time manager’ you were before the course.

- Look at the exercises you did during the course (pictures of Groups A, B and C, and your weekly plans). How well do they reflect your actual situation? What did you learn or observe as the weeks progressed as you were planning schedules and following them?

- Do you have any useful hints or ways of planning and scheduling studies, which were not mentioned in this set of materials? They may include methods you have used previously or that you came across elsewhere over the time of this course. Make a list of them.

More tips:

“To combat procrastination — on the big things and the little things — here's what Therapist Anastasia Locklin recommends:

First, identify small goals. Set a goal to work on something for a short, fixed amount of time — say, 10 minutes.

If you need more structure, Locklin recommends trying the Ivy Lee method. At the end of each workday, make a list of six things to work on the following day. List them out in order of true importance. Tackle those things and only those things the next day.

Next, if you're trying to figure out the best way to prioritize tasks, use natural patterns to your advantage: If you're a morning person, do important tasks in the morning. If you have midday slumps, take that time to organize and create your list for the next day.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Research shows self-compassion can help you cope with procrastination-related stress. Remember every success is just that: a success!”

Source: https://www.npr.org/2021/01/11/955692434/procrastination-is-more-than-putting-things-off-heres-how-to-kick-the-habit

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Viimeksi muutettu: tiistaina 21. syyskuuta 2021, 14.29