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General information on assignments and grading

Completion requirements

COURSE GRADING (grade 0-5)

Division of points:
Preparatory assignments
1-6      40%
Online modules                             5%
Final report: recommendation    35%
Final presentation                       20%

Grading scalePoints/100
93 – 100
        485 – 92
        376 – 84
        269 – 75
        161 – 68


  -    80% attendance required (for each additional absence, 5 points deducted )            


Grading of assignments
The purpose of the preparatory assignments is to practise and learn, so you will gain full points by completing each one acceptably, on schedule and according to  the instructions. However, points will be deducted due to deficient or incomplete submission; e.g. missing elements, obviously poor English (clearly below B2), or late submission. In some cases rewriting may be required before accepting the task; for example, if the first version has been clearly off target. The final assignments, final report and presentation,  are graded based on the grading rubrics.

The required course assignments are all submitted to MyCourses. The deadlines are normally by midnight before the next lecture.

Preparatory assignments (20 pts):
-   A1, Pre-course assignment: find problems and identify solutions in your field of study:
-   A2, write the Introduction paragraph for the recommendation report (problem-solution):
0-5 pts
-   A3, the Definition of the recommended solution
(introduction paragraph A2, included): 0-5 pts
-   A4,  First draft of the full recommendation report: 0-
5 pts

Final report (0-35 pts):
- A recommendation, 500-600 words

Grading: see the Final report: grading rubric in section Assignments.

Online modules (independent work, 0-5 pts):
The mandatory online modules
 on readability principles will be completed online, independently, and by the given deadline.

-   Module 1: Style and Form (formal grammar and vocabulary): 0-2 pts
-   Module 2: Avoiding weak verbs: 0-1 pt
-   Module 3: Given-New Principle: 0-1 pt
-   Module 4: Light-Before-Heavy Principle
: 0-1 pt

Preparatory assignments
(20 pts)
-   A5, Presentation outline: 0-10 pts
-   A6, Rehearsal with slides (video-recorded): 0-5 pts
A7 S
elf-evaluation: 0-5 pts

Final presentation (8-10 min., video-recorded): 0-20 pts

     Grading: see Presentation grading rubric in section Assignments.

Last modified: Friday, 6 October 2023, 10:03 AM