This page includes a list of master's thesis supervisors suitable for Information Networks students. You can also find more suitable supervisors listed on the IEM and CCIS sites. 

If you cannot find a supervisor on any of these lists, contact the professor in charge of your major and they will help you:

SCI3099 Business and Organisational Design: Jukka Luoma (

SCI3160 Digital Ethics, Society and Policy: Risto Sarvas (

SCI3036 Software Engineering and Architectures: Casper Lassenius (

SCI3161 User, Data and Design: Marko Nieminen (

SCI3047 Information Networks: Risto Sarvas (

If you are planning on doing your thesis for your minor, or your supervisor is not from the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, you need approval for this from the professor in charge of your major. Please forward said approval to

All supervisor e-mails are

SCI3099 Business and Organisational Design
 Jukka Luoma
Competitive Dynamics, Data-driven Decision Making, Analytics, Competitive Strategy
Mikko Jääskeläinen              
Startups, Corporate entrepreneurship & venturing, Venture capital, Entrepreneurship ecosystems,
Innovation, Product management, Product development
Natalia Vuori Strategy Implementation, Change Management, Organizing for Innovation, Heuristics and Biases, Emotions
and Cognition (identity, motivation, cognitive frames) in Organizational Processes
Niina Nurmi Virtual / Hybrid Work, Leadership, Work Design, Organizational Design, Virtual Teams, Teamwork, Well-Being
Risto Sarvas
 Satu Rekonen  cross-functional / multidisciplinary teamwork, new venture teams, creative problem-solving, collective creativity, organisational renewal and development, design thinking, experimentation  

SCI3160 Digital Ethics, Society and Policy
Risto Sarvas
Nitin Sawhney                             
Human Computer Interaction (HCI), ethical AI, human-centric AI, participatory research, voice and auditory interaction, crisis informatics, societal impact

Marjo Kauppinen                   
Software engineering, requirements engineering
Johanna Viitanen Usability of health and social care IT systems, user-centred design of eHealth services
Marko Nieminen User-centred design, user experience, service design
Casper Lassenius Software engineering; processes, measurement, testing and quality assurance

SCI3036 Software Engineering and Architectures
Casper Lassenius              
Software engineering; processes, measurement, testing and quality assurance
Marjo Kauppinen Software engineering, requirements engineering
Risto Sarvas

SCI3161 User, Data and Design
Marko Nieminen
User-centred design, user experience, service design
Risto Sarvas         
Johanna Viitanen                
Usability of health and social care IT systems, user-centred design of eHealth services

SCI3047 Information Networks
Risto Sarvas
Mikko Jääskeläinen             
 Startups, Corporate entrepreneurship & venturing, Venture capital, Entrepreneurship ecosystems,
Innovation, Product management, Product development
Johanna Viitanen
Marjo Kauppinen          
 Software engineering, requirements engineering
Casper Lassenius          
 Software engineering; processes, measurement, testing and quality assurance
Jukka Luoma                 
 Competitive Dynamics, Data-driven Decision Making, Analytics, Competitive Strategy
Marko Nieminen
 User-centred design, user experience, service design
Antti Oulasvirta
Petri Vuorimaa
 Web services, web applications, web of things

Viimeksi muutettu: tiistaina 7. toukokuuta 2024, 13.28