Students can use the university travel expense system to get reimbursed for agreed-upon expenses for the course. Instructions can be found at (below the instructions for travel expenses, only visible if you are logged in to the webpages). Use project code "901000 Basic Funding", cost centre "T21208 Materials to Products", and "Machine Design Project course Bossuyt" with your team name as the reason for the expense. Detailed descriptions of what you bought should be provided with the receipts. The travel team helps if there are questions about the system. 

We will need receipts for all purchases. To make it easier for us to track the expenses per team, please designate one student in each team as responsible for making the purchases or collecting the receipts, and bundle smaller purchases together in one expense claim. If you are buying anything else at the same time, please get a separate receipt with only the parts and materials for your project. 

Also, it is possible to purchase with an invoice, if the seller has the possibility. Then it is highly important to give the reference 901000 / T21208 /  MDP Bossuyt (so we know it is connected with the course).

This page may be updated to amend or clarify the instructions, as needed. 

Senast redigerad: måndag, 4 december 2023, 12:50