Our main objectives in this course include learning to apply strategies of effective communication in oral presentations and in writing. When you participate in this course, the expectation is that you have come here to learn and to develop your written and oral communication skills. This means that you are expected to use your own, human voice on this course on communication skills – and not the voice of an AI tool such as ChatGPT and the like. In other words, whatever you present or submit should demonstrate your learning and skills and should be generated with your own, unique human intelligence.

The policy on this implementation of the course LC-1117 on using AI-tools is as follows:

We expect the coursework that you submit or present to have been created by you and not by AI.

Write all your text and complete the assignments yourself with your own unique voice. In reporting and writing assignments, refer to all sources properly using standard citation techniques and referencing. The Turnitin plagiarism and AI detection tool is in use to assess your submitted work, especially drafts 2&3 of the written assignment. Questionable originality will result in 0 points and no feedback from the teacher.  

If you wish, you may use AI tools such as ChatGPT during the early brainstorming or initial research stages of an assignment – to discover interesting topics to talk about or further perspectives to analyse a topic. Important: Limit your use of AI only to the early brainstorming stage. Do not submit AI-generated content as your submission.

If you use AI to help you research a topic, you should always find the original sources and read them yourself rather than rely on the sources AI tools such as ChatGPT may give you, as such sources may be invented or non-existent. Always verify that the sources suggested by ChatGPT are real and valid.

It is acceptable to use proofreading tools in a limited sense to check the accuracy of spelling or grammar. However, be prepared to indicate, explain and motivate such use of proofreading tools. AI tools that rewrite your text, for example from informal style to formal style, are not allowed. Please see the assignment instructions in MyCourses for details.

Viimeksi muutettu: torstaina 7. syyskuuta 2023, 09.23