ALC-5771 - Swedish for International Students 1A, open uni, Online teaching, 4.9.2023-23.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 23.10.2023 Search Courses: ALC-5771
Lesson 2 7.9
Krav för slutförande
Home assignments
1) Use
the Rivstart material that you
have (textbook, workbook, extra online material)
to repeat everything we have learned in chapter 1. Read the texts aloud and make sure you understand them. Also use the Checklist after week 1.
2) Present on our class Padlet. Write a short text. Write
your name, where you
come from, what languages
you speak, where you work etc. If you want it would be nice with a picture of yourself or of something that you like. You find the Padlet here. Password (lösenord): presentation
3) Practice pronunciation and get feedback
with RecRight (invitation comes with e-mail)
4) Lyssna på svensk musik, tala svenska, ha kul på svenska!
Senast redigerad: torsdag, 7 september 2023, 18:42