Teacher in charge: Petri Rönnholm

Other lecturers: Miina Rautiainen, Matias Ingman, Harri Kaartinen

We provide a hybrid lectures on-site and with online Zoom connection. (The link can be found from the lecture section)


Lectures (in the hall 213a):

Week 43, L1: Tue 24.10.2023, 14:15-16:00, Introduction to the course (Petri & Miina)
Week 43 L2: Wed 25.10.2023, 10:15-12:00 Remote sensing I: (Miina)
Week 44, L3: Tue 31.10.2023, 14:15-16:00 No lecture
Week 44, L4: Wed 1.11.2023, 9:15-12:00 Remote sensing II-III: (Miina) Notice the early starting time!
Week 45, L5: Tue 7.11.2023, 14:15-16:00 Photogrammetry I (Petri)
Week 45, L6: Wed 8.11.2023, 10:15-12:00 Photogrammetry II (Petri)
Week 46, L7: Tue 14.11.2023, 14:15-16:00 Photogrammetry III (Petri)
Week 46, L8: Wed 15.11.2023,   10:15-12:00 Photogrammetry IV (Petri)
Week 47, L9: Tue 21.11.2023,   14:15-16:00 Laser scanning I: Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), principles, registration and devices (Matias)
Week 47, L10: Wed 22.11.2023,  10:15-12:00 Laser scanning II: Data integration & Classification (Matias)
Week 48, L11: Laser scanning III: Error sources and instrument calibration (Harri Kaartinen) No on-site lecture, but only a pre-recorded video lecture, will be published on 28 Nov, at latest.


Lecture exam: Fri 08.12.2023, 12:00-15:00, on-site exam in the hall 216.



  • Remote Sensing assignment #1: DL 3.11. (expected average workload ca. 5-6 h)
  • Remote Sensing assignment #2: DL 12.11. (expected average workload ca. 16 h)
  • Spectral measurement demo (voluntary, workload ca. 1 h), times for demo groups will be announced later.
  • Photogrammetric assignments, part I: Camera calibration, 3D modeling and deformation detection (expected average workload ca. 10 h), DL 17.11.
  •  Photogrammetric assignments, part II: Solving exterior orientation, relative orientation and forward intersection with the least-squares method, Matlab programming (expected average workload ca. 10 h), DL 24.11.
    • Support session: Hall U344 (Otakaari 1) on Monday 20.11.2023 at 13:15-15:00
  • Close-range 3D mapping demonstration (voluntary, workload ca. 1.5 h)           
    • Group 1: Tue 28 Nov 14:00-15:30

    • Group 2: Tue 28 Nov 15:30-17:00

    • Group 3: Wed 29 Nov 10:00-11:30

  • Laser scanning assignment, part 1: Processing of terrestrial laser scanning data, part 2: Integration of indoor and outdoor measurements DL 5.12. (Expected average workload ca. 5-8 h (part 1) and 3-4 h (part 2) )

Assessment criteria:

The course consists of lectures, assignments, instrument demonstrations and a written exam. To pass the course, you need to obtain at least 15/30 points in the exam and hand in reports for mandatory assignments in time in MyCourses. If you do not complete the mandatory assignments, you cannot pass the course.

Handing in reports for all assignments is mandatory. Please note that you can earn bonus points during this course by completing the assignments well and in time. If you hand in your assignment report before the deadline and your responses are sufficiently correct, you will get a bonus point (graded as “Passed with distinction”). If you hand in your assignment report late or it has many errors, you do not earn a bonus point from that assignment (graded as “Passed”), but it does not prevent gaining bonus points from other assignments. Note that you may need to correct your assignment report if it contains too many mistakes in order to pass it (graded as: “New revision needed”). In addition, “failed” is possible.

There are five assignments in the course, so you can earn five bonus points by doing them well. In addition, you can earn one more bonus point by attending in both instrument demonstrations (related to spectral measurements and close-range 3D mapping) during the course.

If you pass the exam (i.e., obtain at least 15/30 points from it), the bonus points will be added to your exam points.

Senast redigerad: fredag, 17 november 2023, 10:53