LC-1114 - Communicating Technology (o,w), Lecture, 27.10.2023-15.12.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 15.12.2023 Etsi kursseja: LC-1114
Course schedule
LC-1114 Communicating Technology (o,w). 3.11.–15.12.2023
Fridays 09.00-12.15
Room M237
Pre-course task: topics in your field of study; start working on Online module 1
WEEK 1: Fri 3.11.
Assignments due: Submit A1 to Mycourses AND Bring
two paper copies of Assignment 1 to class (pre-course task: topic
9.00-10.30 •
Intro to the course
• Principles of successful communication
10.45-12.15 • Patterns of
organisation: Problem-solution (A2)
• Avoiding plagiarism
HOMEWORK: Online module 1; Write A2,
introduction paragraph for your report
WEEK 2: Fri 10.11.
Assignments due: Online
module 1 completed. Be prepared to share A2 in class – bring two paper
copies! Submit after the lesson.
09.00-10.30 • How to
give feedback
Patterns of organization: Definition types
• Presentation workshop 1: Organizing and beginning a presentation
HOMEWORK: Online module
2; Write A3 = definition paragraph
(include the introduction paragraph A2).
WEEK 3: Fri 17.11.
Assignments due: Online module 2 completed; Be prepared to share A3 in class (bring two paper copies!) and submit after the lesson.
09.00-10.30 • Peer-feedback on A3
• Writing
the conclusion paragraph
10.45-12.15 • Presentation workshop II: Guiding the audience, ending a presentation, effective visuals
Everyone: Online module 3
Group 1: Submit the refined version of A3 (extended definition) by midnight on the 19th of Nov. Submit A6 = Presentation outline and A7 (rehearsal slides) by 6pm on the 23rd of Nov.
Group 2: Submit refined version of A3 (extended definition) by midnight on the 19th of Nov. Submit A4 = first full draft of recommendation report by Nov. 24.
WEEK 4: Fri 24.11. Rehearsal presentations (group 1)
Assignments due: Group 1: A6 (presentation outline) and A7 (presentation slides) submitted
Group 2: A4 (1st full draft of report) submitted
09.00-10.30 •
10.45-12.15 • Presentation rehearsals
Everyone: Online module 4
Group 1: A7 = Self-evaluation and analysis (submit to MC within 48 h) & A4 = first full draft of report by Dec 1.
Group 2: A6 = Presentation outline and A7 = rehearsal slides by 6pm on the 30th of Nov.
WEEK 5: Fri 1.12. Rehearsal presentations (group 2)
Assignments due: Group 1: A7 and A4 submitted
Group 2: A6 and A7 submitted
09.00-10.30 •
Presentation rehearsals
10.45-12.15 • Presentation rehearsals
Everyone: Online module 5 & Bring 2 printouts of A4 to class & Sign up for Final presentation.
+ Group 2: A7 = Self-evaluation and
analysis (within 48 hrs)
WEEK 6: Fri 8.12.
Assignments due: Online module 4 (groups 1 and 2) and A7 (group 2)
09.00-10.30 • Collaborative punctuation review
10.45-12.15 • Editing A5 based on teacher and peer feedback
Rehearse the final presentation
WEEK 7: Final presentations
Note that you need to be present in only one of the sessions!
Thu 14.12. Final presentation (A8)
Fri 15.12. Final presentation (A8)
Assignments due: Remember to submit the final version
of your slides (A8) to MyCourses!