26.10 Session ONE

10:00-15:00 (lunch 12:00-13:15, independent work on assignment 15:15-17:00)

In the morning (10:00-12:00) we will focus on introducing key curatorial ideas which will act as a foundation to explore the themes emerging throughout the course. Topics include curating as a non-discipline; ways in which research can be conducted through the curatorial; and what is a research exhibition.

This session also includes and introduction to the course and its assignment.

In the afternoon (13:15-15:00), we will have a discussion on Elvia Wilk’s text and discuss what kind of paths can open up based on the groups’ interests. We will also think about the artwork by Ramos in the context of the weird and the eerie.


First chapter from Death by Landscape by Elvia Wilk (2022). Please highlight parts of the texts that you find particularly interesting.


Leticia Ramos, DROPSPIKE (2021) https://kadist.org/work/dropspike/

Accessible from kadist.org (you can create an account for free and access the link).

Other suggested readings:

Jean-Paul Martinon. “Edging Disciplines” Journal of Curatorial Studies. Vol. 6. No. 2. (2017): 221-229.

Simon Sheikh (2013) ‘Towards the Exhibition as Research.’ In O'Neill, P. and Wilson, M. (eds.) (2015) Curating Research. London; Amsterdam: Open Editions; de Appel, pp. 32-46.

1.11 Session TWO


This session begins with looking at non-linear understandings of time and how these can emerge in curatorial practice. A discussion on time will be the bridge to the second part of the lecture exploring what curatorial narratives entail (agencies and ways of working). We will look at ways of working beyond the author-centric figure of the curator, collaborative methodologies and relevant theoretical ideas.

13:15-15:00 seminar discussion on prompt 3 and 4.

15:15-17:00 independent work on assignment.

PROMPT 3: Sun Xun, Mythological Time (2016) https://kadist.org/work/mythological-time/

PROMPT 4: extract from The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing (2015)

9.11 Session THREE - check in session

10:00-12:00 Visit to a museum/gallery of choice. I encourage chose independently and go by yourself. (if ticket is required and you don’t have a museum card, Aalto will reimburse your ticket - KEEP THE RECEIPT). The visit requires some preparatory research before the day. Are there any exhibitions that fit within the topic you are working with for this course assignment? The aim is that you will see an exhibition that can inspire your own work for the course.

13:15-15:00 on campus – reflection on visit. Everyone reports back and itroduce key ideas they are working with in an informal setting.

PROMPT 5: exhibition of your choice

16.11 Session FOUR


23.11 Session FIVE



Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 18. lokakuuta 2023, 15.18