
Labwork contribution: 20 points. 

  • Assessment criteria: Participates in labwork and team meetings (0-10); enables others to work (0-10);

Project report: 60 points.

Assessment criteria: 

  • Accuracy: Is the technical content sound. (0-20)
  • Scientific level: Are conclusions supported by results. (0-20)
  • Quality of writing and data presentation: How clearly the results are presented and explained. Does data include axes lables, units, etc. (0-10)
  • Coherence: A logically constructed story around the goal of the project. (0-10)

Project presentation: 20 points. Extent that the team was able to explain and teach the audience about their project.

In total 100 points: 0-39 Fail, 40-59 for 3, 60-79 for 4, 80-100 for 5.

Senast redigerad: tisdag, 19 december 2023, 14:43