
We will study concerns and architectural designs for big data ingestion techniques. We also look at some tools that we can use for ingestion.

  • Slides of the lecture
  • Overview of Apache Kafka
  • Nifi tutorial for data ingestion

Reading List

  • https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/
  • Lin Qiao, Yinan Li, Sahil Takiar, Ziyang Liu, Narasimha Veeramreddy, Min Tu, Ying Dai, Issac Buenrostro, Kapil Surlaker, Shirshanka Das, and Chavdar Botev. 2015. Gobblin: unifying data ingestion for Hadoop. Proc. VLDB Endow. 8, 12 (August 2015), 1764-1769. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.14778/2824032.2824073
Senast redigerad: söndag, 7 januari 2024, 10:44