Please read this page related to the individual video for the final event.       

General guidelines:

  • Purpose: To show the narrative of your professional identity as a designer
  • Duration: MAX 3 minutes
  • Format: Horizontal
  • Technique: You can use any technique according to your skillset. It can be for example stop motion, live action (clips recorded by mobile phone), recorded slides (Powerpoint, Keynotes, etc.) or mixed media, including e.g. computer animation, etc.
  • Audio: Please note that the video should be mute! No sound (use caption instead when explanation is needed).
  • Submission due: The end of 27 May (for the post production)
  • Submission to Tarja Nieminen via email:

Content of the video = Revision of the Midterm (must include):

  • Your full name
  • Your professional photo (if you don’t show yourself in the video otherwise)
  • Tagline (A short description of your professional identity as a designer)
  • Brief description to explain the tagline or different components / themes
  • Project examples (including the one you are exhibiting) to support your identity
  • Contact info (email or/and website)

Technical specs (inquire Tarja is you are unsure of something):

  • File mp4
  • resolution 1920×1080 px
  • Full HD
  • codec video h.264
  • compression CBR
  • bitrate 22 Mb/s 

Viimeksi muutettu: perjantaina 26. huhtikuuta 2024, 15.08