Course requirements

  • Participation in lectures is mandatory (except for the lecture on Tuesday 15th of April)

          Weekly lectures: Tuesdays 16:15 - 18:00
          Location: Room R001/U142 U4 in Otakaari 4, Mechanical Engineering Building

                except on May 28th - Auditorio - F239a 
                online on June 4th and 11th  

           All lectures are recorded and can be reviewed via Panopto for those who cannot attend. If you cannot attend in person, please inform us beforehand. Every lecture will have a quiz that can be done in pairs and amounts to 5 points per quiz. Thus, missing a lecture results in missing these points.

  • Participation in weekly exercise sessions is mandatory. There are 3 exercise sessions per week from 10:15 to 12:00 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and their locations can be found in the schedule. You are required to attend one session per week. If you cannot attend in person, please inform us beforehand so we might accommodate for you and provide you with a zoom link to attend online. In most exercise sessions, you might be required to present or explain some of your homework solutions (details on this will be explained in the exercise sessions). Absence or failure to do so will result in disregarding the points for those solutions. 

  • Participation in group projects is mandatory. There is a final project that students will have to complete in order to pass the course. Details related to the project will be updated later.

  • Homework is mandatory. Apart from the project, you will be expected to do automatically graded exercises and pen paper homework. These are held on A+. 

  • A+ exercises: +210 points 
    • Rounds 1-6: +180
    • Feedback: +30
  • Group project using PostgreSQL: +220 points 
    • Part 1: +80
    • Part 2: +120
    • Final submission: +20
  • Active participation: +70 
    • Quiz: +45
    • Active group participation: +15
    • Group work feedback: +10
  • Not willing to present/explain answers: -100% of the pen and paper points
  • Answering course feedback questionnaire: +20 bonus points
  • Optional additions to the final project: +30 bonus points

Grading scale

Total available points: 500 points + 50 bonus points

  •   <50% (<250) = fail
  •    50% - 59% (250 - 300) = 1
  •    60% - 69% (300 - 350) = 2
  •    70% - 79% (350 - 400) = 3
  •    80% - 89% (400 - 450) = 4
  •   ⩾90% (⩾450) = 5

Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 8. huhtikuuta 2024, 11.19