The setting of the game:

You are now drifting on an inflatable raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean from a crashed airplane. You only have the items that you can reach from where you currently sit. How will you survive?

Use your imagination to creatively solve the problems that you face on the raft (see list below). To speak, you must use the phrase on one (1) of the cards. E.g. if the card says "I suggest...", you could say: "I suggest... we use Olli's laptop to paddle the boat. It's only a Mac."

In other words, use the cards to suggest an idea, interrupt someone else, give an opinion on a matter, agree, or disagree with someone in your group. Use the cards in any order you wish for talking, but so as to not to make this too easy, you must finish all the cards in one row of cards before proceeding to the next row on your frame. You do not need to be polite and always take turns speaking - unless you want to agree to do so, of course!

Some of the problems that you need to discuss and solve:

-    A broken leg
-    Moving the raft
-    Navigation
-    Protection from the sun
-    Signaling planes or ships
-    Food
-    Water
-    Morale
-    Storms
-    Sharks
-    Pirates

The player who collects the most points wins - so, if you want to compete, keep a tally of your own score. Whatever you do, please do survive and have fun! No cheating ;-) This is a "serious" game!


Last modified: Friday, 22 March 2024, 1:54 PM