Today we don´t have a lesson in Zoom as usual. Here is the program for today´s lession:

-          Övningsbok: 7 s. 22 (sort the verbs in the right categories, take the look at the example).

-          Övningsbok: 9 s. 24 (more than just one alternative can be right).

-          Övningsbok: 10 s. 25 (more than just one alternative can be right).

-          Övningsbok: 9 s. 35 (Repeat imperativ och presens. Study the rules once more. Take the look att the word kommer. Memorize the rule about words with double mm between the vowels together.)

-          Övningsbok: A s. 35 (Write the imperative.)

-          Övningsbok: B & C s. 36

-          Övningsbok: 10 s. 37 (Please write the right preposition.)

-          Övningsbok: 6 s. 29 (Repeat together the word order.)

-          Övningsbok: A & B s. 30 (A: Sort the words and make meanings, start the meaning with bolded word(s). B: Sort the words and make questions. This exercise you can also make orally.)

-          Textbok: s. 34 (Listen to the text Renates dag – you find it in extra material – kapitel 3, number 23. Read the text aloud with your friends.)

-          Textbook: G s. 35. (You have written the questions before, please ask your friends the questions, your friends will answer according to the text. You can borrow the questions from Andrey if you need extra questions.)

-          Vilken bok läser de i bokklubben?

-          Gillar de boken?

-          Vilket hus bor Renate i?

-          Hur mycket kaffe dricker Renate?

-          Hur många burgare tar Renate?

-          När börjar yogalagret?

-          Hur dags vaknar Renate?

-          Vilken tid vaknar Renate?

-          Hur börjar Renate dagen?

-          Vilken soppa äter Krister?

-          Träffar Renate Krister i stan?

-          Vad gör Renate efter klockan 10 på kvällen?

-          Textbok: H s. 36

-          Textbok: J s. 37. Write at least 10 meanings about Awads day.

At least 4 meanings which you start with something else but subject, example: “Klockan kvart i sju vaknar Awad.”

Leave your text in the MyCourses page. Write the names of all participants in the text.


The last exercise is to do the “Framstegstest”.

Do the “Framstegstest” without books.

Work as a group and leave just one answer document in the MyCourses page.

Write the names of all participants in the document where you have the answers.

Give feedback: What do you think is still difficult? Is there something we should do in another way during the lessons? Other feedback?

Med vänlig hälsning,


Senast redigerad: tisdag, 26 mars 2024, 12:38