Where? When? How?

Return your MATLAB exercises in FeedbackFruits via MyCourses by Monday 22:00. After the deadline, you will be given one submission randomly that you need to peer-review. This happens automatically in FeedbackFruits. The deadline for submitting the peer-review is Wednesday 22:00. Afterwards, you will see the feedback you have been given, and you can give feedback on the feedback. If the feedback seems reasonable, you should give a good grade for the feedback you received. If you disagree with the feedback you have received, you can flag the feedback to let the teaching assistants know. FeedbackFruits should be relatively easy to navigate, and you can find information on how to use FeedbackFruits by googling. If something is unclear, you can ask on the MyCourses discussion forum or send an email to vili.kohonen@aalto.fi.

The peer-reviewing process is anonymous.

Do I get points for it?

You can get up to 30% of the maximum points of the reviewed exercises for completing the peer-review (20%) and by giving feedback on the feedback (10%) you have received. If you disagree with the reaction to your feedback, you can flag the reaction and let the teaching assistants re-evaluate the usefulness of your feedback. As a guideline: please be generous and have a low threshold for marking the feedback as “Extremely useful”. In cases where it clearly shows that there was not much effort put into the feedback, you can rate the feedback as less helpful (e.g. “Somewhat useful”).


Complete 3 steps:

  1. Return your correct MATLAB (or Python) file in FeedbackFruits (DL: Mon 22:00), 75%
  2. Peer-review one submission (DL: Wed 22:00), 20%
  3. Give Feedback on Feedback (DL: Fri 22:00), 5%
You can get up to around 20% of the points for completing the peer-reviewing and 10% of the points for giving feedback on the feedback. All of this takes place in FeedbackFruits.

Senast redigerad: tisdag, 23 april 2024, 12:43