Over the last few periods, I have begun to gather students' reflections on their learning in a new way which includes their words of wisdom to you, the new group of students. I have edited only a few significant language errors, but the rest is all in their own words and based on their own experiences of this course. Read on!

-        Choose a pitch topic that you’re enthusiastic about! Listen to the feedback that you receive and try to do better next time. This course has a lot to offer, if you're willing to do the work. Even though you might just be trying to get your mandatory language studies done, think of this course as an investment in your future. :)

-        With careful planning and practice, you can ease anxiety when presenting your speech. My message for the next students is also aboutthe anxiety of presenting. Everyone gets nervous, and it's completely normal. Others are here not to judge you, so you shouldn't judge yourself either. Good luck!

-        Try your best and don't fear failure. Giving your all on this course will benefit you and your presentation skills. Anya has the knowledge and gives good advice so listen to it and take the critique you are given. 

-        You should take the course seriously and not just take the path of least resistance although there is a lot of work because presenting is a very useful skill to have. And don't be nervous about presenting in front of others; we are all in the same position and here to learn.

-        Actively practice the different aspects of delivery. Small effort has noticeable payoffs.

-        Time your pitches when you practice them. This helps you focus on the main points in order to stay on time.

-        Prepare more and pay more attention to the assignments to get more out of the course.

-        The pitch outlines you will be doing are tools to structure your final presentation but the final pitch doesn’t have to follow it obediently if this doesn’t feel right. I would also recommend choosing a pitch topic that suits your own interests and field of study. Also as always, don’t be afraid of failing – this is a safe environment to practice these inevitably useful skills for your own sake.

Last modified: Tuesday, 23 April 2024, 9:45 AM