Assessment methods

Course grade: 0-5
Assignments 60%
Presentation (videoed) 40%

  • All weekly assignments must be completed on time
  • Assignment 1: 0-2 points
  • Assignments 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10: 0-5 points
  • Assignment 6: 0-10 points
  • Assignment 8: 0-6 points
  • Assignment 9: 0-8 points
  • Assignment 11: 0-3 points
  • Assignment 12: 0-1 point
  • Final presentation: 0-40 points

Grading criteria for all assignments:

 Max points =

  • Assignment completed on time
  • Assignment instructions followed carefully: contents of assignment are relevant and appropriate
  • All contents are on target (see the detailed assignment description)
  • Language proficiency meets a minimum level of B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference to Languages (CEFR) scale

Points deducted for the following issues:

  •  late submission
  •  incomplete or irrelevant contents
  • superficially completed with little evidence of pedagogically relevant input   
  •  language level obviously below B2

  • Grading criteria for the final presentation: Final presentation rubric

  • Course grade scale:
    Grade Points
    485 – 92
    377 – 84
    269 – 76
    161 – 68
    060 - 0

Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 6. toukokuuta 2024, 19.44