The final grade depends on two kinds of weekly assignments and the exam:

  1. Homework from the problem sheet. (Solutions to submit by Sunday in PDF.)
  2. STACK (automated randomized problems, to be done by Friday)
  3. Exam (at the end of the course)


The exam is a written exam. See below about the points.


  • There will be 6 problem sheets. Every sheet is worth 4 points, for a total of 24.
  • There will be some number of STACK problems, probably around ten. Each STACK is worth 1 point.
  • The exam will have six problems, 6 points each, for a total of 36 pts.
  • (By actively participating on Zulip, you can earn up to five bonus points: one point for your first helpful comment, one point for your next two helpful comments, one point for yet the next four comments,... In general it will take you 2^(n-1) nice comments to get the n-th bonus point. We will decide what it means for a comment to be "helpful".)
Final grade:
The final grade will either:
- be based on the exam alone,
- be a weighted average: 50% will come from the problem sheets and STACK, and 50% from the exam,
depending on which option is better for each of you. The grading scale will be decided after the exam.

Senast redigerad: torsdag, 20 juni 2024, 09:56