Goal of the seminar

The seminar provides a safe environment to present your plans for and the work done in your thesis and get support and feedback from peers and teachers of Geoinformatics. The presentation will help you to formulate and structure your thesis work. You will learn from each other and get ideas on how to present your work.

In the long run it is intended that the seminar will not only be attended by students working on their thesis, but by all master students in Geoinformatics. Through the seminar, Geoinformatics students that are still in the earlier stages of their Master’s studies can get an overview of the type of master’s theses done in the Geoinformatics Program. It may help them when choosing the direction for specialization and finding a thesis subject.


It is recommended that you give at least 2 seminar presentations during the time you work on your Master's Thesis. The final presentation is compulsory. Possible division of the presentations is given below:

1st presentation

When:             In the beginning of the thesis process, ideally 1-2 months after starting the thesis work

Duration:        10 min + 5 min for questions

What about:   Introduction to your subject, possible things to tell:

  • Background
  • Research problem/research question/hypothesis
  • First results of literature study
  • Work plan/what are you going to do?

Optional 2nd presentation

When:             In the middle of the thesis process, ideally 3-4 months after starting the thesis work

Duration:        10 min + 5 min for questions

What about:   Thesis progress report, possible things to tell:

  • Short recap of your subject, research problem and work plan
  • What has been done so far
  • First results
  • What next?

Final presentation

When:            At the end of the thesis process when submitting the thesis for approval, ideally 6 months after starting the thesis work

Duration:       15 min + 5 min for questions

What about:  Final report on your thesis, possible things to tell:

  • Short recap of your subject, research problem and work plan
  • What did you do
  • Final results
  • Conclusions and possibly ideas for further studies

Seminar schedule (Autumn 2024)

The seminars will generally take place once a month on Monday morning and where possible one week before the deadlines for submitting the thesis for evaluation. The schedule is given below.

Master’s Thesis Seminar date & time

Deadline thesis evaluation application

Mon 23.9.2024    10-12

Mon 30.9.2024

Mon 11.11.2024 10-12

Mon 18.11.2024

Mon 16.12.2024 10-12

Tue 31.12.2024



Attending and participation in the master’s thesis seminar is voluntary, but highly recommended for students of Geoinformatics in the master’s thesis process. The Final thesis presentation is compulsory. When planning a presentation, please register and reserve a seminar spot for your presentation here in MyCourses.

Everybody, especially all master’s students and personnel of the Geoinformatics program are welcome to attend the seminar.


For more information contact Mirjam Bilker-Koivula (mirjam.bilker-koivula@aalto.fi) or your thesis’ supervisor.

Senast redigerad: söndag, 1 september 2024, 22:56