eBreak - links, materials and examples for teachers
eBreak topics
Krav för slutförande
Possible topics of coming eBreak demonstrations. The topics are not in the order in which they are going to be presented.
If you have a topic request, you can deliver it here: Topic requests
Lista mahdollisista eBreak-demonstraatioiden aiheista. Aiheet eivät ole siinä järjestyksessä, jossa niitä mahdollisesti käsitellään.
Jos sinulla on toiveita aiheista, voit antaa ne tiedoksi täällä: Aihetoiveet
- Assignment: Submissions (recorded 11.10.2018)
- Assignment: Grading (recorded 25.10.2018)
- Workspace: Adding Material (text & files & embedding) (recorded 1.11.2018)
- Gradebook: Basics (recorded 29.11.2018)
- Gradebook: Advanced
- Gradebook: Expert
- Quiz: Basics (recorded 22.11.2018)
- Quiz: Question bank
- Quiz: Advanced features (recorded 13.12.2018)
- Group functions: Formign a Group (manually & automatically & group choice)
- Group functions: Forum (visible and separate groups)
- Group functions: Assignment
- Path: Activity Completion and Completion progress
- Path: Restrict Access
- Path: Creating a Student’s Path (activity completion + restrict access à student’s path)
- Turnitin assignment: settings for draft and final version submission, basic Feedback studio functions: similarity report, annotation
- Calendar functions
- Basics
- Making a recording with your laptop
Senast redigerad: fredag, 5 november 2021, 15:56