LC-1120 - Online Persuasive Presentations for Engineers (o) - V03, 07.01.2019-15.02.2019
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 15.02.2019 Etsi kursseja: LC-1120
Overview of assignments
During this course, you will complete 10 preparatory assignments and participate in one pitching event. The assignments will guide you through the process of planning, preparing, practising and delivering a persuasive type of presentation, a 1-2 minute elevator pitch on a topic in your field of study.
This course applies a process approach to learning, so it is important to reserve enough time regularly for completing the assignments according to schedule.
All the needed materials are provided in each particular section or assignment (attached or linked).
Week - 1 Introductions
A1 Getting acquainted: create and share a video introduction, and forum (5+3 points)
A2 Elements of persuasion: reading and forum (5 points)
A3 Analysing elevator pitches: watch and reflect (5 points)
Week 2 - Topic, content and organisation
A4 Elevator pitch outline (10 points)
Week 3 - Modes of persuasion
- A5 Identifying the modes of persuasion: forum (5 points)
A6 Rework your outline (5 points)
Week 4 - Practice and feedback
A7 Practice session: small group meeting (7 points)
A8 Self-evaluation of the rehearsal (5 points)
Week 5 - Aspects of delivery
A9 Report on two areas of delivery (5 points)
Week 6 - Elevator pitches with Q&A
Pitching event: final versions of elevator pitches with Q&A. Small group meeting. (40 points)
A10 Course feedback and reflection (5 points)