During the last two weeks you have learned how to be mindful and how to make clear observations. Now we learn how to apply these skills in our daily lives. Often when we encouter stressful or difficult situations we try to avoid them or make hasty decisions. This week we learn four steps that we can use when we encounter stressful situations:

1. Stop: notice that you are in a difficult/stressful situation

2. Observe: what's going on in the situation/in your surroundings, what kind of bodily sensations you have, your thoughts and feelings

3. Accept: try to accept the situations and your reactions

4. Act or let it go: what is the wise action to take or is it better to let go

For example if you get a lower grade in an exam than you were expecting the steps could be:

1. Notice that you are in an unexpected situation and feel disapointed.

2. Observe your bodily sensations, e.g. tension in neck, your thoughts like "this is not fair" or "why didn't I study more" and your feelings, e.g. disapointment, shame

3. Try to accept both the situation and your thoughts and feelings - unpleasant things are a part of life and negative feelings are natural reactions

4. Can you let it go? Or would you like to take some action, e.g. try again?

Try to practice these four steps if you encounter some difficulties this week!

Practices of the week

We'll continue with the daily practices we've learned:

  • Body scan
  • Listening me and/or Anchoring to breathing
  • a mindful routine

The new practice for this week is:

  • Three minute breathing (audio)

Try to allow about 30 minutes for the practices daily. Notice how the practices affect on you: are you more aware of your feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations? Have you found any new ways to relate to stressful situations?

Back to weekly practices

Senast redigerad: onsdag, 20 februari 2019, 13:53