Maturity test and thesis assessing in MyCourses

    • A student can submit a thesis for grading when it is a fully completed final version and you as a supervisor have given a permission for submitting it.
    • A grade given for the thesis cannot  be upgraded. This goes for both bachelor's thesis and master's thesis (kauppakorkeakoulun opintosuorituksia koskeva johtosääntö 8 §).
    • It is important, that a supervisor follows the common timetable of thesis of the Business School when assessing, so that students are able to graduate according to their study plan.
1. A student submits a maturity test and a thesis in MyCourses
2. A language teacher does a language checking for a maturity test. Next, a supervisor checks contents of it. A supervisor informs the result of a maturity tes by email to the registration office
3. A supervisor fills in an assessment form of a thesis and emails it to a student and (as a copy) to a planning officer of a department
    • Bachelor's thesis: a supervisor takes care of emailing the result to
    • Master's thesis: a planning officer of a department suggests evaluated thesis for a head of a department and informs results to the registration office.

Instructions for assessing a maturity test and a thesis assists you with screen shots how to find a student's submission efficiently, read a document and interpret an originality report of it at the same in a Turnitin submission box.

Turnitin assisted thesis supervision and a permission for submitting a final version

A student submits a maturity test (executive summary) and the final version of a thesis as pdf-files in Turnitin submission boxes in this MyCourses workspace. Submissions are stored in Turnitin student papers repository which protects them from plagiarism by others. Furthermore, Turnitin originality check reports are generated automatically for submissions. Originality reports help you to recognize possible plagiarism during assessing. It is important that a student can submit thesis draft (or several) in a Turnitin submission box during supervising process so that possible unintentional or intentional plagiarism can be recognized and corrected before the final version. Turnitin assisted supervising can be arranged in the following ways (all ways can be utilized during a thesis process):

    • a student submits a thesis draft for commenting in a Turnitin submission box in a seminar workspace in MyCourses, see more information from Turnitin instructions for teachers
    • a student submits a thesis draft for commenting in a Turnitin submission box in a supervisor's personal MyCourses workspace. A request form of a ready-made workspace for thesis supervising is available in Turnitin instructions for teachers and in the top bar of MyCourses: Service links > MyCourses > Request for thesis supervision workspace
    • a student submits a draft in the workspace called Independent Turnitin Originality Check, but a flaw in this way is that a supervisor can not see the draft nor the originality of it, if a student needs help in interpreting the report.



Senast redigerad: torsdag, 17 maj 2018, 17:27