When you wish to submit the final version of your thesis, the thesis has to be completely ready, and the supervisor has to have given their permission to submit the thesis. The grade given for the thesis cannot be upgraded.

In order for you to submit the final version of your thesis on MyCourses, you have to include the cover page and the abstract in the same PDF file, together with your thesis. You can find sample sheets of the cover page and the abstract on Into.

To submit the final version of your thesis for official evaluation, you must

  1. Submit a PDF file of your thesis to the folder below (including the cover page and the abstract).
  2. Submit an identical PDF file of your thesis by filling in a form on eAge via this hyperlink. This is used for the library filing process and for the official approval of your thesis.
  3. Submit your maturity test (executive summary) to the folder below.

Please note!

  • Submit your thesis only in the folder with the graduation date when you aim to graduate. The graduation dates can be found here.
  • The thesis that has been submitted to the system can be used as an official copy e.g. in possible appeals against the grading. Please note that you can send the data on eAge only after the final version of your thesis has been downloaded and attached to the data form.
  • The grade of the thesis will be registered on WebOodi only after the student has submitted the final version of the thesis, saved the data on MyCourses and eAge, and ordered a print archive copy of the thesis to be delivered to the library (see Into for instructions on how to order a print archive copy).
  • Please note that if you have used the Turnitin authenticity programme to check your maturity test and the thesis, revise the possible flaws shown by Turnitin before submitting the final versions on MyCourses. See further instructions on using Turnitin for preventing plagiarism (linkki)
  • If you have any problems regarding submitting your thesis on eAge or publishing, please contact aaltodoc-help@aalto.fi.


In order to graduate, you have to order your diploma from the Learning Services. Further information on ordering the diploma can be found here.

Senast redigerad: tisdag, 23 juli 2019, 10:47