To enforce the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Työturvallisuuslaki 738/2002), the employer is imposed with the following obligations:

Work supervisors (teacher and workshop master)

Obligation to ensure that

  • The employees receive orientation and guidance for their tasks
  • The work is planned in advance.
  • The work procedures, methods and conditions are monitored.
  • The use of personal protective equipment is monitored.
  • The condition of machines and equipment is monitored
  • Adequate knowledge,skills and experience are available for the work at hand.


  • Prohibit hazardous work.
  • Give and deny a work permit (workshop master).

Workshop users (students and researchers)


  • Follow instructions and orders.
  • Avoid causing safety and health risks to themselves and others.
  • Use provided protective equipment and maintain their condition.
  • Use devices, tools and protective equipment appropriately.
  • Exercise necessary caution, and uphold order and tidiness.
  • Report hazards,faults and shortcomings, and eliminate them if possible.
  • Avoid harassing other employees and treating them inappropriately.


  • Cooperation between the work supervisors and workshop users.
  • Refusing work that causes a serious hazard.

Chemical work

In chemical work,the Chemicals Act(Kemikaalilaki 599/2013) shall be complied with, along with any other acts referred to in the Chemicals Act and the instructions and practices developed at the university. In addition, work in the facilities must be supervised so that it does not cause harm to safety and human health.
Senast redigerad: tisdag, 13 oktober 2020, 14:22