Opinnäyteohjaus Caterina Soldano 2020-2022
Resources available for you
Suorituksen vaatimukset
If you need help with your MSc thesis writing, there are classes in Aalto that might be useful for you:
- ELEC-E0210 Master's Thesis Process (this is mandatory and it should be already part of your MSc degree plan). This course will support you in the preliminary stage of your MSc studies and will focus on thesis planning and scheduling as well as provide guidelines for thesis structure and the overall writing process
- Eri-0.6100 Tools for Master's Thesis will help with the basic of Master thesis writing
- LC-1320 Thesis Writing for Engineers (MSc) will help getting familiar with writing scientific documents, thesis structure, opening statement and other important part of a Thesis manuscript.
WRITING CLINIC: you can benefit from individual session (up to 8hours) with experts which will help you with your thesis (chapter focus and organization, logic in your text, academic language, etc.).
If you have a quick question regarding a minor issue in your writing (punctuation, grammar, writing conventions, word choice in headings/titles), you can also send your question to writingclinic@aalto.fi. (Remember to write ‘quick question’ in the subject line)
TURNITIN to avoid plagiarism
Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 3. kesäkuuta 2020, 08.21