Opinnäyteohjaus Martin Andraud 2020-2025
Write your thesis - latex template
As mentioned in the guidance section, I strongly advised you to use latex to write your thesis manuscript. Here you will find general information as well as a latex template to start writing.
Using latex
First, get yourself familiarized with Latex, e.g. here: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX
Useful tools associated with latex:
Several latex editors are available, both online and as standalone tools. Online tools are great for small projects (a chapter, a publication, etc.) and enable to be shared instantly among collaborators. For final versions or bigger projects, it is better to use a standalone tool that are usually giving a better result.
- As an online latex editor, I recommend using Overleaf. Aalto offers full accounts for this editor, even for students. More information available here: https://www.overleaf.com/edu/aalto
- As a standalone distribution and editor, you will need to install a distribution and a text editor. I recommend using miktex for the distribution (https://miktex.org/) and texstudio for the editor (https://www.texstudio.org/)
Thesis template
Aalto required thesis latex templates are available here: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/Aaltothesis/Aalto+Thesis+LaTeX+Template