Student Topic
SayedFarhan, AmjadAB2: Usability analysis of devices in an IoT ecosystem
Aryal, SandeepEV1: Cloud Gaming and Local Game Streaming
Baranova, Oksana AB2: Usability analysis of devices in an IoT ecosystem
Berggren, Walter AM1: A review of methodological and coding approaches for smoking-related Instagram data
Colb, Alexander BL1: Attacks in adversarial machine learning
Czuper, Michal BL1: Attacks in adversarial machine learning
Danos, Peter EV2:  Multi-User XR
Fanti, Andrea SS5:  Anticipation of Signal drop through environmental sensing
Harjumäki, Joonas  EV3:  Light Fields
Kivikunnas, Leo VH:  Orchestration Techniques for Fog Computing
Kontio, Reetu MS2:  Distributed and parallel rendering for gaming and XR
Koskela, Jaakko BGA:  Robustness and Privacy in Federated Learning
Kuikka, Antti AB2: Usability analysis of devices in an IoT ecosystem
Lemsalu, Madis AJ4:  Statistical Analysis of Clustered Federated Learning
Li, Yuoqie SS3:  Games for elderly people
Lin, Sinan HD:  TinyML as-a-Service - bringing ML to the very deepest Edge
Moisio, Vili AB1: Usability and Security Tradeoffs in QR Code usage
Omala, Jouni SS2:  Educational games for children
Pulli, Tommi  SS1: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Authentication
Rissanen, Joonas WM:  Capacity planning for vehicular fog computing
Strazdina, Vlada AJ2: Normalizing flows for graph structured data generation
 Sulina, Julia AA:  Inverse reinforcement learning for user modelling
Väisänen, Tuomas  BL2:  Defenses in adversarial machine learning
Viitanen, Atte AD2:  Deep Reinforcement Learning and Games
Weikert, Thomas MS1:  Physiologically-augmented VR experience
Wihuri, Alvar TM2:  Distributed Learning on the Edge
 Xiang, Tianshi TN:  Advances in attesting run-time and operational behavior
Ye, Yizhou AB1: Usability and Security Tradeoffs in QR Code usage
 Zheng, Peng AD1:  LiDAR processing with Deep Neural Networks

Senast redigerad: tisdag, 6 oktober 2020, 17:54