Course schedule (tentative)

LC-1310  H03, Fall 2020, tentative schedule





 Wed 16.09 /





Introduction to the course

Writing academic texts and the writing process

Avoiding plagiarism starters


Zoom meeting 10-12 (max)

Assignment 1: Learning journal 1, due 23.09

Personal background in academic communication & preliminary topic ideas:

+ Think of an interesting topic / concept in your field you would like to explore more in the “state-of-the-art review”. This can be based on what you did for your bachelor’s, a current course focus or your potential master’s thesis topic. This will be your topic in this course (topic of paper & presentation).  Be ready to discuss the topic (or a few topic options next week in class).


Online module 1: Avoiding plagiarism, due 23.09



 Wed 23.09 /Thu


Discussing your potential topic(s) in small groups

Referring to others’ work, continuation –

Finding credible sources

Turnitin intro & demo

Other reference management systems / experiences

Zoom meeting 10-12 (max)


Assignment 2: Find an article related to the topic of your choice and analyze it as specified in Assignment 2 in MyCourses. Submit the article + your analysis for points in MyCourses by 30.09


 Assignment 3: Continue searching for more sources. Develop a conceptual map for the topic of your choice. Submit by 30.09 and be ready to discuss in small groups.


Wed 30.09 / Thu


"Framing your sources"

Text analysis group work: style and source use, introduction structure, abstract structure

Conceptual maps: discussion

Zoom meeting 10-12 (max)

Online module: Style by 07.10


Wed 7.10



No regular class: online modules work

Online module: Given-new principle due 14.10

Online module: Light before heavy due 14.10



Wed 14.10 /



No regular class:  online modules





Online module: Active verbs due 21.10

Online module: Commas, due 21.10

Assignment 4: 

Outline for the state-of-the-art review paper, use the template provided in MyCourses

Include at least 3 sources in the bibliography, submit in MyCourses by 21.10


Continue from the outline to writing your first draft.

 Wed 21.10





No class, exam week

Continue writing the draft of the paper.

 Bring to class for peer review next week.




Wed 28.10 /



Language  & other editing issues, tips

Assignment 5: Peer review on the paper in small groups

How to submit in Turnitin

ZOOM meeting 10-12

Assignment 6: Take the tips you got in peer review and improve your text, submit draft 1, by 4.11  in MyCourses (Turnitin) , your teacher will give you feedback on this text, which you can then incorporate to improve the final version.




Wed 4.11/ Thu


Organization of a talk

Metalanguage: signposting and signaling

Tips for presentation delivery

Zoom meeting 10-12


Assignment 7: Presentation outline due by 11.11


Wed 11.11/



Presentation outlines group work

Effective visuals


Zoom meeting 10-12


Assignment 8: Powerpoint slides due before the practice session


19.11 and 26.11

Presentation practice sessions weeks: no normal class, Thu 19.11 / Wed 25.11 / Thu 26.11

Note: only attend your own small group session slot 

Sign-up sheet provided for small group meetings



Check teacher comments on your text draft. Work on your final paper. Submit by 11.12



Assignment 9: self-evaluation of practice talk due two days after your practice session.






Final presentations (see sign-up sheet), only attend the slot you are signed for

Zoom 9-17

Zoom 9-17

Assignment 10:

Learning journal #2 (with self-evaluation)  due 11.12.

Final paper due 11.12.



Senast redigerad: fredag, 23 oktober 2020, 16:38