List of readings

This list is originally from a PhD course, it is not a comprehensive list of key studies, but should provide some good pointers to get started if you want to explore the ideas more.  

Generic contributions on sensemaking 

Basu, K., & Palazzo, G. (2008). Corporate social responsibility: A process model of sensemaking. Academy of management review, 33(1), 122-136.

Gioia, D. A., & Chittipeddi, K. (1991). Sensemaking and sensegiving in strategic change initiation. Strategic management journal, 12(6), 433-448.

Maitlis, S. (2005). The social processes of organizational sensemaking. Academy of management journal, 48(1), 21-49.

Maitlis, S., & Christianson, M. (2014). Sensemaking in organizations: Taking stock and moving forward. Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 57-125.

Weick, K. E. (1993). The collapse of sensemaking in organizations: The Mann Gulch disaster. Administrative science quarterly, 628-652.

Weick, K. E., Sutcliffe, K. M., & Obstfeld, D. (2005). Organizing and the process of sensemaking. Organization science, 16(4), 409-421.

Crisis sensemaking 

Brown, A. D. (2000). Making sense of inquiry sensemaking. Journal of management studies, 37(1).

Christianson, M. K., Farkas, M. T., Sutcliffe, K. M., & Weick, K. E. (2009). Learning through rare events: Significant interruptions at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum. Organization Science, 20(5), 846-860.

Cornelissen, J. P., Mantere, S., & Vaara, E. (2014). The contraction of meaning: The combined effect of communication, emotions, and materiality on sensemaking in the Stockwell shooting. Journal of Management Studies, 51(5), 699-736.

Gephart Jr, R. P. (1993). The textual approach: Risk and blame in disaster sensemaking. Academy of management journal, 36(6), 1465-1514.

Weick, K. E. (1988). Enacted sensemaking in crisis situations [1]. Journal of management studies, 25(4), 305-317.

Whiteman, G., & Cooper, W. H. (2011). Ecological sensemaking. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5), 889-911.


Making sense of organizational change and identity

Balogun, J., & Johnson, G. (2004). Organizational restructuring and middle manager sensemaking. Academy of management journal, 47(4), 523-549.

Boje, D. M. (1991). The storytelling organization: A study of story performance in an office-supply firm. Administrative science quarterly, 106-126.

Corley, K. G., & Gioia, D. A. (2004). Identity ambiguity and change in the wake of a corporate spin-off. Administrative science quarterly, 49(2), 173-208.

Mantere, S., Schildt, H. A., & Sillince, J. A. (2012). Reversal of strategic change. Academy of Management journal, 55(1), 172-196

Schildt, H., Mantere, S., & Cornelissen, J. (2019). Power in Sensemaking Processes. Organization Studies, forthcoming.

Sonenshein, S. (2010). We're changing—Or are we? Untangling the role of progressive, regressive, and stability narratives during strategic change implementation. Academy of Management Journal, 53(3), 477-512.


Sensemaking in strategy processes

Gioia, D. A., & Thomas, J. B. (1996). Identity, image, and issue interpretation: Sensemaking during strategic change in academia. Administrative science quarterly, 370-403.

Jalonen, K, Schildt, H, Vaara, E. (2018). Strategic concepts as micro‐level tools in strategic sensemaking. Strategic Management Journal, 39: 2794– 2826. 

Rouleau, L. (2005). Micro‐practices of strategic sensemaking and sensegiving: How middle managers interpret and sell change every day. Journal of Management studies, 42(7), 1413-1441. 

Vaara, E., & Monin, P. (2010). A recursive perspective on discursive legitimation and organizational action in mergers and acquisitions. Organization Science, 21(1), 3-22.

Thomas, J. B., Clark, S. M., & Gioia, D. A. (1993). Strategic sensemaking and organizational performance: Linkages among scanning, interpretation, action, and outcomes. Academy of Management journal, 36(2), 239-270.

Thomas, R., Sargent, L. D., & Hardy, C. (2011). Managing organizational change: Negotiating meaning and power-resistance relations. Organization Science, 22(1), 22-41.


Individuals and emotions in sensemaking 

Cornelissen, J. P. (2012). Sensemaking under pressure: The influence of professional roles and social accountability on the creation of sense. Organization Science, 23(1), 118-137.

Dahm, P. C., Kim, Y., Glomb, T. M., & Harrison, S. H. (2019). Identity affirmation as threat? Time-bending sensemaking and the career and family identity patterns of early achievers. Academy of Management Journal, 62(4), 1194-1225.

de Rond, M., Holeman, I., & Howard-Grenville, J. (2019). Sensemaking from the Body: An Enactive Ethnography of Rowing the Amazon. Academy of Management Journal, (ja).

Heaphy, E. D. (2017). “Dancing on hot coals”: How emotion work facilitates collective sensemaking. Academy of Management Journal, 60(2), 642-670.

Schabram, K., & Maitlis, S. (2017). Negotiating the challenges of a calling: Emotion and enacted sensemaking in animal shelter work. Academy of Management Journal, 60(2), 584-609.

Strike, V. M., & Rerup, C. (2016). Mediated sensemaking. Academy of Management Journal, 59(3), 880-905.

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