Study these materials, then plan the introduction and conclusion for your presentation, and write them in the presentation outline template according to the instruction, Don't submit the outline (A5) yet: it's due only after we've also covered slide design and metalanguage, and you have added all the requested elements

You already have a topic for your presentation (the 'solution' that you're recommending) and, perhaps, also quite a bit of the information about that topic that you'd want to include. Now, it's time to take a look at the introduction and conclusion sections: what elements they must include and how these sections relate to the informative body section of the talk. Finally, you'll take a closer look at a number of possible strategies for capturing the audience's attention at the very beginning of the talk.

Notice that the section 'conclusion' simply means 'closing the talk': it's not the same as the section called 'Conclusions' in a thesis or a research report, for example.

STEP 1 ORGANISATION: introduction, body, conclusion
Start by watching this brief video by Tommi Kakko: Structure of an Academic Presentation

Watch this video about presentation openings and closings (intros and conclusions):

STEP 3 EXAMPLE: What would you actually say in the introduction and the conclusion?
Check these slides Example: beginning and ending to see how one speaker began the talk and what he said in the conclusion. Notice the attention-capturing idea at the beginning and how the speaker returns to it in the conclusion to close the talk meaningfully.

Read about attention getters at

through the slides Attention capturing: 10 strategies to see examples of different possible attention-capturing strategies.

(IF you wish to take a look at some real speakers using attention-getters to open their speeches, take a look at this video (these opening words are from longer speeches): )

STEP 6 FORUM discussion: share your thoughts
inish today's work by finding the forum task FORUM discussion: beginning and ending a presentation in WEEK 4. Post your answers to the given two questions on today's materials and independent work (deadline Mon 23:59).

After covering today's materials and tasks, plan the introduction and conclusion sections for your own presentation. Make sure you include the attention-capturing at the beginning to 'wake up' your audience and make the topic relevant to them right from the start.  Add these sections into the outline template according to the instructions (remember, you can still make changes until the outline is submitted and the even after the practice sessions).

Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 28. syyskuuta 2020, 14.43