Case Nokia - The FINAL DEBATE: (Thu 3.12. 10:15-12, Zoom) 


Slides: 03-12-Heiskala

(now updated with info on how to access Siilasmaa's book via the library)

Group Assignment

This last lecture of the course will feature THE FINAL DEBATE about Case Nokia you have been analysing in your group assignment.


  • Phase 3 of the group assignment is to prepare arguments for and against the three viewpoints to why Nokia Mobile Phones fell:
    • Management of technological innovation and technology development
    • Platform economy, ecosystems and technology platforms strategy and management
    • Management, organizational, and cultural issues

--> These viewpoints will be useful for preparing the final report.

Before the debate:

  • The groups will submit the arguments online before the debate and have the arguments at hand at the debate also.
    • A good argument is based on case facts and connected to theories discussed on lectures
  • Groups pick one volunteer for the debate.
    • Volunteer will be taking active and vocal part in the debate.
    • Others can take notes, offer support, and add arguments in the debate.

  • All groups have been divided to three debate teams for the debate.
    • Four groups per debate team. 
    • One volunteer per group.
    • A debate team includes 4 volunteer students, one from each group.

Debate teams (what viewpoint your team defends i.e. argues for the viewpoint as the main course of Nokia Mobile Phones' fall):

  • A: groups 1, 10, 11, 12: Team Tech Innovation: Management of technological innovation and technology development
  • B: groups 2, 4, 6, 8: Team Management and Organization: Management, organizational, and cultural issues
  • C: groups 3, 5, 7, 9: Team Platforms: Platform economy, ecosystems and technology platforms strategy and management (and disruption)

At the debate

  • Each of the debate teams will be given a randomly assigned viewpoint to why Nokia Mobile Phones fell which they will defend in the debate (and be prepared to counter-argument the other two viewpoints).
    • The viewpoint will be announced on Wednesday Dec 2nd in MyCourses.
    • You may use time on Wednesday to prepare, setup chat channels for the debate team etc. if you so wish. This is voluntary, and there will be time allocated for preparation in the debate too.
  • Debate teams will pick 'debate champion' and 3 'rebuttal champions' from among the volunteers.
    • Debate champion will give the opening statement defending the viewpoint assigned for the debate team.
    • Rebuttal champions will:
      • support the champion against counter-arguments and
      • counter the opening statements of the other two debate teams
    • Other members of the groups in the debate team can offer support and comments via chat channels etc.

  • First half of the debate: Preparation
    • Groups divided to breakout rooms per debate team.
      • Pick 1 volunteer as opening statement champion
      • You may want to set up chat back channels for debate teams.
    • Using the arguments submitted for/against the three viewpoints by all groups in the debate team:
      • Prepare the debate champion to give a convincing opening statement for your viewpoint
      • Prepare the rebuttal champions on:
        • how to counter potential arguments against the teams' own viewpoint and
        • to counter possible arguments the other debate teams may present for their viewpoints

  • Second half of the debate:  The DEBATE (10:45- ):
    • Order of presenting opening arguments is decided in random.

  1. Opening Statement (by champion): max 3mins - no interruptions, no overtime.
  2. The other teams offer their rebuttals, in turns: max 2mins each - no interruptions, no overtime.
  3. Opening Statement team offers their counter-arguments: max 3mins - no interruptions, no overtime.
  4. Open back-and-forth debate: one speaker at a time, in turns: max 6mins.

Repeat 1-4 for all viewpoints i.e. three rounds in total.

Staff will then announce the winner for the debate.


Do note it would be a good idea for the groups to decide how to make notes of the discussion as the debate content may well be of use in the final group report...

Based on your submitted debate preparation PDFs we have divided the groups to three debate teams: 

  • Team Tech Innovation: Management of technological innovation and technology development
    • Debate team A
  • Team Platforms: Platform economy, ecosystems and technology platforms strategy and management (and disruption)
    • Debate team C
  • Team Management and Organization: Management, organizational, and cultural issues
    • Debate team B

Senast redigerad: torsdag, 3 december 2020, 12:20