We'd like to bring your attention to the online course for Presentation Skills. Presentation is one of the important skills that a professional in any area should have. This course is the perfect platform to help you with your presentation skills, stage presence, and how to communicate to a larger audience. The course is organized by our beloved Elina Aalto, a professional actress and an experienced coach in public speaking and communication, that has been training PDP’ers for more than 15 years.

Here's her message to you:

"My name is Elina Aalto. I’m a professional actress and have 15 years of experience in coaching performance and communication skills. My mission is to change boring presentations into capturing and exciting ones and now I have built you a course that reveals how to do that. Present Yourself guides you through different parts of presentation all the way from structure to body language and stage fright. The course includes lots of exercises and I promise - it'll be fun!

Present Yourself will be open from December 25th until the Halfway Show, 29th of January. Complete this course and your presentations will never be the same again!"

To access the course you can go here.

Since the Presentation course is part of the PDP workshops, all PDP students are automatically registered for this online course. We recommend this course to all students interested in developing their presentation skills. Mode details on how to sign in will come soon.

Senast redigerad: måndag, 18 januari 2021, 14:21