As a way for your team to benefit from this workshop, there is a take-home exercise in which you'll have to apply what you've learnt. The exercise is to submit a 3D-printable part(-s) in STL-file format by emailing it to me. In some cases you should send multiple files because it won't f.ex. make sense to send only one half of a mould or only one fixture if the prototype actually includes multiple of them etc. The deadline for the submission is 4.12.2020.

In order for Erwin to assess the quality of the part, we ask you to send an image (could just be a crude communicative drawing) from which Erwin would be able to understand how this printed part should fit the rest of your project. Due to the complexity of many of your projects, a little description of the image and the purpose of the part would also be needed. Be sure to mention if this is meant to be a functional part, or if it is just a mock-up approximation, or if you plan to modify it later on (f.ex. machine it, polish it etc.), because this affects the settings with which I would fabricate the part.

Erwin will then respond to your email with some feedback on the manufacturability of the part(-s) you submitted. In the case it seems plausible and possible to make, Erwin will make it for you, you can pick it up at PrintShop and you get your credit. In the case that the design needs some tweaking before making it, we are looking to receive a file with the necessary fixes by 10.12.2020. Receiving the credit requires the design to lead to a successfully printed part.

On a practical note, the 3D-printers, laser cutter, vinyl cutter and plotter printer at PrintShop are operated for you by PrintShop staff. Don't worry though – this is just to keep the machines running and to better serve you guys! If you want to learn more about how your file is prepared and actually printed, you can schedule with Erwin, and come to PrintShop and he can show and explain what that process looks like.

Senast redigerad: torsdag, 3 december 2020, 09:43