• Using web server
  1. (The simplest and enough for the purpose of the course) Macaulay2 Habanero web server :  http://habanero.math.cornell.edu:3690
  2. Melbourne Research cloud https://www.unimelb-macaulay2.cloud.edu.au/#home 
  • Your machine 
  1.   Instructions for download and installation : http://www2.macaulay2.com/Macaulay2/Downloads
  • Aalto Triton (if you are affiliated with a research project)
  1. Request access to Triton: https://scicomp.aalto.fi/triton/accounts/
  2. Connect: https://scicomp.aalto.fi/triton/tut/connecting/
  3. Load: module load macaulay2

Viimeksi muutettu: tiistaina 12. tammikuuta 2021, 12.25