LC-0010 Each One Teach One (1-2 cr)

in charge: Jinhua Cheng (Chinese), Anya Siddiqi (English), Jepa Piirainen / Tapani Möttönen (Finnish), David Erent (French), Caren Schröder (German), Alexandra Belikova (Russian), Carmen Rodellas (Spanish), Mari Huvitus/Johanna Mäkelä (Swedish)

Teaching period: I, II, I-II, III, III-IV, IV, IV-V


Workload: 27 h = 1 cr, 54 h = 2 cr. Workload includes meetings with supervising teachers, face-to-face and/or online Each One Teach One activities, preparation for meetings, and maintenance of a learning journal in MyCourses, as well as meetings with each pair.

    Learning outcomes: Upon completion of this programme, students will

-   be adept at setting personal goals for learning, maintaining or improving another language and deepening cultural awareness

-  have improved their language and cultural knowledge of a language

-  have gained experience tutoring another student in a language and culture


Content: This programme enables students to begin learning a new language and culture, or maintain and improve their ability and knowledge of another language and culture. Students will meet with their Each One Teach One (EOTO) partner several times over the course of the programme. Each meeting will be planned and prepared beforehand and an online journal maintained documenting any preparation done for the meeting, its focus, its execution, and reflection afterwards on the achievement of those goals.


Assessment methods and criteria:

    Pass equals completion of the following items:

   Initial, midway and final meetings with supervisors                      10%

   Preparatory work for or after student meetings                            10%

   Maintenance of learning and tutoring journal in MyCourses     30%
   Student peer (face-to-face and/or online) meetings                   50%

of which 60-70% of the student peer meetings focus on learning the target language, 30-40% on tutoring the other language.


Study materials: Provided by the students and supplied upon request by the supervising teacher(s)

Substitutes for courses: Non-applicable

Course homepage: MyCourses + course code


CEFR level: A level of B2 or higher is required of the student-teacher, if not teaching own native language. A level of A1.3 is the lowest level from which a student can learn a language in this programme. In other words, this programme is not recommended for beginners in a language.

Grading scale: Pass / Fail (depending on successful implementation of goals as assessed by student pairs and supervising teachers)

Registration for programme: Via email to one or both of the supervising language teachers

Language of instruction: Depending on the language being learnt and taught, the choices currently are Chinese, English, Finnish, French German, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.

Further information: This programme does not fulfil the university regulations on foreign language studies for oral and written skills, but is optional. It supports and enables students to learn and/or improve upon languages currently taught at the Aalto Language Centre. Each One Teach One is also meant to support student exchange abroad and also provide incoming exchange or visiting students with a chance to carry out some form of language studies during their time at Aalto. However, all Each One Teach One (EOTO) work must have been completed before the exchange period ends and the student returns to their home country. The programme may be started at the beginning of every period, and thus an orientation meeting is scheduled with both language supervisors once the EOTO student has found a partner or been assisted in finding one.

Viimeksi muutettu: perjantaina 20. lokakuuta 2017, 16.46