Schedule as table

Lec = Lecture (see topics in MyCourses)
Ex = Exercise session
Q = DL for Quiz
A = DL for Assignment
R1 = DL of first version of report
Rcom = DL for commenting others' report

R2 = DL for final version of report


There are three parts to the course, all of which contribute to the final grade:
1) 3 quizzes, 10 points each, scaled to total 10 points
2) 3 assingments, 30 points each, scaled to total 10 points

3) report, 30 points for version 1, 30 points from comments to peers and 30 points from the final version,  total 90 points, scaled to 10 p

There is the progression bar in the front page, check that you get all squares green.

50 % of each part is needed to pass the course. The points for each grade are:

1 - 15-17
2 - 18-20
3 - 21-23
4 - 24-26
5 - 27-30

Last modified: Monday, 29 March 2021, 11:34 AM