
The primary communication channel in this course will be Slack. Everyone who has joined the course should receive an invitation to the Slack workspace by email.

slack url of our course is https://energybusines-gli4754.slack.com

  • Aalto students can join course Slack through this link.
  • There is a separate channel for each group. You will be placed to the right group by teachers.
  • Groups are private and messages under groups can not be seen by others i.e. group specific matters can/should be discussed under group channels.
  • Teachers see group discussions. Create a separate group in Slack or in another service if more private way of communicating is preferred.
  • Generic channel is meant for course-wide communication. If you have any problems in submission, unclear instructions etc., please use generic channel.
  • Please use Slack private messages in persnal matters with teachers.
  • Do not hesitate to e-mail teachers in case of problems when joining slack!
Senast redigerad: torsdag, 22 april 2021, 22:54