1. I have a problem, who should I contact?

If you have questions about course content or problems with coding exercises, please contact anyone from course team by email or on Slack:

For general issues related to the course, please contact Shamsi Abdurakhmanova shamsiiat.abdurakhmanova@aalto.fi 

2. There are too many platforms in this course, I am lost.

  1. The main course page is MyCourses Aalto page. There you can find all information about the course and links to other resources. 
  2. We will be running our Python code (in a form of Jupyter notebooks) in Aalto Jupyter Hub. In order to get access to the course material, you should login with your Aalto account and choose server option: "CS-EJ3211: Machine Learning with Python 2021 Spring 2".
  3. Third important platform is Slack, where teachers and students can easily communicate, post questions and discuss any related topics. You can join Slack with this invite. Instructions how to join slack channels are here.
  4. We also use Zoom platform for online exercise sessions. You can login to Zoom with your Aalto account (select sign in with SSO -> Your company domain = aalto)

3. What are study material for the course?

- 6 Jupyter Notebooks (located on Aalto Jupyter Hub)

- Recorded lectures by Alex Jung 

- "Machine Learning: The Basics" book by Alex Jung

4. How to use JupyterHub?

  1.  Go to https://jupyter.cs.aalto.fi/
  2.  Login with your Aalto account
  3.  Select server option "CS-EJ3211: Machine Learning with Python 2021 Spring 2"
  4.  Go to "Assignments" tab and fetch available assignment (jupyter notebook). Now you should see the folder with notebook under the "Files" tab.
  5.  Go through the notebook, read material carefully and complete coding exercises.
  6.  Submit your notebook BEFORE the deadline by clicking "submit" button.
  7.  You will be able to  fetch feedback approximately one day AFTER the deadline.

5. When is deadline for Round X.?

Find deadlines for rounds at "The Six Rounds Bootcamp" or Schedule section.

6. How grades are calculated?

Each jupyter notebook will give you 10 points max. After completing 6 Rounds of notebooks, you can get 60 points max. Machine Learning problem formulation task will give you 5 points max. The last part of the course, student project, will give you 40 points max. Grading done as follows:


7. Where can I find my points for exercises

You can find them at the beginning of  your feedback file.

8. Does passing sanity checks in notebook means my solution is correct?

No, sanity checks only verify that you didn't make major errors, but they do not check correctness of answers. 

9. Where can I find solutions for tasks after the deadline?

First, you need to fetch feedback in Jupyter Hub/Assignments tab . In the feedback file you will see your points and solutions in "hidden tests" cells.

10. My coding exercise solution is almost correct, can I have partial points?

Unfortunately no. Due to large number of participants in the course, grading is performed automatically and only correctness of output is checked.

11. What are the recommended reading material for the course?

Beginner level books:

  • - "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists" Andreas C. Müller ,  Sarah Guido, e-book available from Aalto library.
  • - "Python data science handbook" Jake VanderPlas, available online.

Intermediate level:

12. I've finished course, how can I get digital badge?

Please, follow the instructions from FiTech.

Viimeksi muutettu: torstaina 6. toukokuuta 2021, 12.21